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Welcome to GSUK.

As you may have read on the home page, the intent of this magazine is to be a non-elitist platform for ideas, opinions, photography, art, surf-literature and a conceptual shake up our beloved 'scene'. 

Let's face it, the elitist niche has been filled. 

We have a few great print surf magazines, we have sponsored British riders breaking into the international circuit, we have a new wave of grommet-froth-monsters ready to take on the rest of the world... 

But what we also have is a multitude of surfers, not in it for a cover shot (though that would be sick), and that are not making it their life goal to chase Slater down while he's still a contender...


These surfers are exploring the coasts in silence...


But these surfers still have stories.


Interesting stories.


Inspiring and evocative stories.


And we aim to tell them.  

Just because you're not sponsored or have a photog following you around does not mean that your story is not viable. Some of the best surf stories I have read, that have inspired me to travel, and to explore and get as feral as possible have been from blogs and one off freelance work in the magazines. 

So this is where GSUK comes in. 

We want to hear your stories, your point of view. We want to see your creative side, your humour and your inspirations. 

We want to be a platform for aspiring photog's, writers, artists, surfers, anyone! To be heard and make their mark on the scene, and the stories of others. 

So we're looking at new horizons. 

Through your eyes. 

​​Josef Williams


New horizons. 

Editors note.

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