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This book is the essence of a story.

It is an insight into the mind of an extraordinary individual – Christian Beamish. Surfer, writer, associate editor of the prestigious Surfers Journal, crafts man and adventurer in the truest sense, The Voyage of the Cormorant is a story that will get you amped for a solo, introspective surf adventure of your own.
Beamish’s honesty and modesty in the face of his undertaking is refreshing and undeniably likeable in his smooth and rustic prose.
His description of building his own, small, wooden, wind powered and open-top vessel with his own hands, and the first few cursory excursions out into the open ocean, are inspiring and breath taking in their immensity.
As he eventually leaves his home, sells his possessions and heads out to explore the coast of Mexico – for however long – sleeping on his boat and surfing the reefs around the next headland, he sees beauty in the landscape, finds kindness in the people and meets his match in the power of the ocean.

All in seeking a most profound ideal: Solitude.

Buy this book and you will lose yourself in the story of a man. In a story that you would never have thought to be possible in this day and age, and perhaps you will catch a glimpse of the thing that you have felt missing in your own life.
Beamish’s tale of desperate and sometimes foolhardy courage, of seeking beauty and of knowing oneself, is one that will shake your idea of ‘feral’ and make you rethink your plans to book into a surf camp on the next trip.

I didn’t want to put it down.
And you wont either.

The Voyage of the Cormorant.

By Christian Beamish

Words by Josef Williams

Editor: GSUK

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