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3 years ago ‘Jeff’ had a stroke of genius.


While running a board repair shop and shaping their own boards at university, the few adopted Plymouthians found that there were a lot of people at a loss trying to sell their boards. What was missing was a free and easy to use service for connecting with other surfers trying to sell boards for a little cash, swap boards and experience different shapes.

Enter social media.

They started a profile where pictures could be easily uploaded and shared, and users could interact conveniently and quickly, all free of charge!

Thus Jeff’s Boards was born.
I’ve used it, all my friends use it.

It does exactly what it says on the tin with no hidden charges, middle-man antics or risk. Jeff’s is just a facilitator to get you connected to buyers and sellers near you.

You may not have heard of Jeff’s despite its popularity, as they have recently suffered their share of bureaucratic adversity.
In January Facebook shut them down due to a technicality involving the nature of their use of a ‘profile’ rather than a page.
‘Poof’ all those ‘likes’ gone, everyone in the dark again.

Luckily, the nice people of Jeff’s Boards are resilient and have started a new page to once again get you connected.
But those likes are all important!


Support Jeff’s by liking and sharing! That way we can start swapping, buying and selling all manner of surf equipment easily and conveniently once again.​

​Head to Jeff's by clicking on the link: 

Jeff's Boards.

Connect, buy, sell and barter for boards!

Words by Josef Williams


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